Full Day Kindergarten

As the Government announced in the 2009 Speech from the Throne, British Columbia is making full day Kindergarten available to all five-year-olds in the province and starting in September 2011, all schools across the Province of British Columbia will enrol full time Kindergarten classes.  Students enrolled in Kindergarten will attend regular school hours the same as those offered to students in Grade 1 through 7.

In School District No. 20, full day Kindergarten will be provided to all kindergarten students for the 2011 - 2012 school year.  Full day learning is associated with improved reading and numeracy, smoother transitions to Grade 1, and overall greater success in school.   Full day Kindergarten enables teachers more time to deliver the Kindergarten Program and to give their students more individual attention. 

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of Full Day Kindergarten in general or at WEbster Elementary School, please contact Mrs. B. Kanda, Principal @ 250.367.7541 or bkanda@sd20.bc.ca or visit the Ministry of Education's website http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/early_learning/fdk/.

Why is play important?

Play is the way in which children learn. They learn most effectively when they are relaxed and having fun. Children’s learning becomes meaningful when they are free to learn at their own rate and in their own way.

What is play-based learning?

A play-based program does not mean that children just do what they like all day. In a play-based program there will be times when children come together as a group, listen when others are talking, follow the rules of group living and begin to take responsibility for their actions and their environment.

What is the adult’s role within a play-based program?

Within a play-based program, the adult’s role is to guide, evoke and extend but not to dominate or dictate. Adults continually evaluate children’s play to discover what it is children are learning and to then help shape and extend this learning.

Play-Based Learning - Learning is Child's Play

Play-Based Learning - Learning is Child's Play (398.2 KiB)

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