Although children should be attending school everyday, we realize that there are times when this is not possible. At Webster Elementary we have a "Safe Arrival Program". Please call the school if your child will be absent for any reason so that we know they are safe and accounted for - a note prior to or after an absence to their homeroom teacher is appreciated. If it is expected that your child will be absent for an extended period of time (2 days or more), please contact your child's teacher so that any missed work may be gathered and sent home. If you do request work/assignments to be sent home due to an absence, teachers would appreciate a days notice to prepare it for you. We would also appreciate a call to our office if your child has a childhood communicable disease (confidentiality will be respected).
It is expected that students will arrive to school on time. Students who arrive late disrupt the learning of others and often miss important concepts. Students arriving late should check into the office and present a note from their parents as to the reason for their tardiness. A phone call to the office (or a note to a teacher) for expected late arrivals is appreciated.